The next goal is 50 patrons. We can do it!

Hello C.R.E.W.!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this space as much as I have. It’s truly been an honor to be able to create and support you all in your research. We blasted through the first goal of 35 patrons and by doing so we’ll have our first of a monthly guest speaker webinars/sessions. The first one is taking place on Monday, March 23. Check out this post for more info and to register for it: 

So, what are you going to get if we meet the goal of 50 patrons? Glad you asked. 😊 

With 50 patrons I’ll be able to bring on an additional guest speaker! That means that you’ll hear from two other speakers monthly in addition to all the other content I am bringing you, at the same price you’re paying now. 

There‘s simply not another space like this for people of color genealogy and family history online. PERIOD. I have HUGE goals for this platform and your support is making them possible. So again, thank you! *Hugs*

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