a brush with greatness – wppi 2012

i’m still trying to decompress after the amazing experience known as wppi 2012.  wppi (wedding and portrait photographers international) holds an international conference every year in las vegas where more than 16,000 photographers of varying experience levels come together to learn, network, and have a good time behind and in front of the lens.
anyone that knows me well knows that i’m not the biggest fan of las vegas.  as a kid, my parents use to take me there on what were called “turn around trips.” this involved going to vegas for the weekend and coming right back since we only lived about 3 hours away.  vegas then was not how it is now.  circus circus was the only form of entertainment for kids.  after one day at circus circus i’d spend the rest of the weekend hulled up on a hotel room as my parent gambled the night away.  it’s obvious why i felt the way i did. lol

i have to admit that my feelings have changed.  yep, it’s true.  i think it’s because i was able to experience vegas from a completely different perspective.  i was off the strip.  i was with people that had a passion for photography. i was able to learn and grow.  more importantly, i was able to meet and connect with so many amazing people that if i started a list of them, you’d be bored reading the bullet points. (if it still interests you, check the very bottom of this post. it’s not by any means all inclusive).

leroy franklin of photography by franklin took some time during the conference to interview me for a segment on his blog regarding black history month.  here’s what he posted online.

additionally, i had the opportunity to photograph a few of the folks i met for a little series i’ve called lens stories.  it’s where a photog gets from behind the lens to in front of it. for more of these, please see my facebook page.

there are so many blessings that have come from this trip that i am overwhelmed.  i’m amazed at what God is doing.  watch world.  here i come!

shout outs

2 thoughts on “a brush with greatness – wppi 2012”

  1. Pingback: 8 months late – images from wppi

  2. Pingback: 2012 year in review - who is nicka smith? | who is nicka smith?

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