Think China 2013

From July 13-27, 2013, 13 African American high school students left the Oakland Bay Area on an adventure of a lifetime; a two week, cross cultural academic study to China. This trip is sponsored by the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), a non-profit organization in China whose mission is to enhance relationships between China and the United States. Through various initiatives, the National Urban League (NUL) and CUSEF have facilitated African American-focused visits to experience China and Chinese people. This trip builds upon the NUL experiences as an empowerment tool for both business and education focused on a new audience-the high school student.

The Northern California Delegation of the China-U.S. Study Exchange Program for high school students (Think China) facilitated student travel to Beijing and Shanghai, China, in order to experience Chinese culture, and interact with Chinese student counterparts. This collaboration is attributable to a focus on building and enhancing relationships with students from African American communities and China. There was a focus on manufacturing, technology, and finance. Field trips were taken to American Express, Coca Cola, and Toyota. Delegates experienced 18 lectures including topics such as Chinese history, philosophy, and government, and had six lectures solely on learning the Chinese language. The delegation was comprised of school district and community organization participation. Lead Chaperone of the delegation is Regina Jackson, President and CEO, East Oakland Youth Development Center (EOYDC). I served as a chaperone and official photographer for the trip. Nola Turnage of 100 Black Men of the Bay Area/Youth Movement also served as a chaperone.

Think China 2013 by ns2 photography

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Think China 2013 by ns2 photography

Think China 2013 by ns2 photography

Think China 2013 by ns2 photography

Think China 2013 by ns2 photography

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